American diners for school lunches health initiative

A school in Glasgow has created a full replica American diner complete with jukebox and red leather seats as an option for school children to eat in. Typical diner food is served but the aim is that all the food complies with the school food standards in nutrition. These school food standards cover the nutrients, levels of fat, limitations on fried foods, salt, fat, sugar, sugary drinks and snacks and inclusion of 2 portions of fruit and 2 portions of vegetables daily, as well as availability of a choice of breads including wholegrain to fill instead of crisps and confectionary. 

Now we are in an era of choice and rights for individuals it's sadly no longer standard to impose a rule and have schools force children to eat one option that is served. We are left in a place where we must provide good healthy food and make it appealing for all to take up these options by choice and at the same time use strategies to steer away from poor health choices. 

As a country we are eating out far more than ever and the younger generation are leading the way on this. The way forward therefore is to ensure all canteens and restaurants, in schools, canteens, restaurants and all work places in the future,  have the best and most nutritious foods so eating healthily becomes possible and enjoyable for the whole population life long.
